Millennial Drinkers

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Aslin Beer Company Johann Discovers A Hammock Double IPA

Brewery: Aslin Beer Company

Regions: Herndon, Virginia, United States of America

Tasting Note:August 25, 2018

Light head with a medium to deep hazy yellow. Lovely nose with layers of banana bread, vanilla beans, and cloves. Medium to medium plus bodied with a touch of alcohol. Lush palate with vanilla, tons of bananas, spices and some yeast. Long finish.

Delicious Double India Pale Ale from Kai and Aslin Brewing Company. Hopped with Citra and conditioned with tons of bananas and vanilla. Drank out of a one pint can (16 oz) and 9.4% Alc/Vol.


92 points.

Price Point:

$$ - Retail price $5.38 a can.